Work with Me | Career Coaching

Career Coaching

Your career is one of the most significant dimensions of your life and when your career doesn't work, life doesn’t work. Many people find themselves in a place where work just isn’t working - struggling, drained of confidence and motivation, compromising priorities, or burned out. When work feels like this, it can be unclear about what to do or where to go next. 

Your career can, and should, be a great source of personal satisfaction and pride; providing a sense of purpose, growth, and self-confidence.  It can be an experience that reflects your values and surrounds you with the people and opportunities that bring out your natural best. 

My Career Coaching program is designed specifically to empower you to get on the career path that’s right for you. Together, we’ll get clear on your strengths, skills, and values, helping you embrace your unique abilities and communicate your value effectively. We’ll work through any obstacles that are holding you back from the career and success you want.  Career Coaching is a transformative journey that will allow you to define what truly drives you and create a roadmap to get you where you want to go.  

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Gain clarity about your strengths, skills, values, and needs through our exploration of various career directions. Discover the right career path for you that aligns with your values and goals.

  • Self-confidence plays a vital role in career success. From day 1, we’ll work together to build your self-confidence, helping you embrace your unique abilities and communicate your value effectively. I’ll equip you with the tools to work with the voices that undermine your success to restore your self-confidence.

  • Regardless of your career stage, there's always room for growth. Career Coaching focuses on enhancing your skill set - hard skills like negotiation, and soft skills like leadership and communication. You’ll get valuable insights, feedback, and practical tools to help you refine your skill set and highlight your expertise.

  • One of the key benefits of Career Coaching is the accountability it fosters. Together, we’ll create an actionable plan to attain your goals. I’ll be your greatest partner and cheerleader every step of the way. We’ll track your progress and celebrate milestones so you can see your progress in real-time.

  • One size does not fit all. You are unique and I’ll individualize your program to meet your specific needs and goals. Whether you're transitioning careers, burned out, making a pivot, or seeking a promotion, you’ll have personalized guidance and my unwavering support.